Lynn A. Diehl, CRR - Living Spectrum Reflexology(tm) - Serving The Bucks County PA Region Since 1993

Serving The Eastern Pennsylvania Region Since 1993



Childhood Disorders Correctable

Childhood Disorders Effectively Prevented and Treated With CranioSacral Therapy

BabyThere is no better time than infancy and childhood to build a child’s foundation of health.  Childbirth stress and normal rough-and-tumble play impact a child’s health in ways now just being understood.  Did you know, for example, that during birth a baby’s skull plates must overlap so its head can fit through the birth canal?  The baby’s head, neck, and body twist several times during birth and its neck goes into extreme hyperflexion.  And that’s during a normal birth!  Imagine what happens to the baby’s head, neck, and spine when suction, forceps, and manual pulling are used.  Contractions exert an incredible amount of force on the baby’s body to push it through the birth canal.  Amazingly, for the most part, these structures move to their normal position as the infant grows.  It is, however, a long, slow process and often restrictions remain that can effect the child’s health, behavior, vision, hearing, coordination, learning abilities, and other aspects of development.

What about the bumps, bangs, and falls children experience as they explore their world and testChild Being Carried Piggyback their new-found skills?  The craniosacral structures that were once pliable and fluid are beginning to firm in place.  The knocks and bangs they absorb affects not only their structural position but the underlying organ systems can be impaired from resulting restrictions.  A bump on the head or fall from a bicycle may be casually brushed off as being a normal part of childhood.  But, long after the incident is forgotten, persistent headaches, digestive problems, attention and hyperactivity disorders, visual distortions, chronic pain, allergies, and other physical and emotional problems may manifest.  If not adequately resolved in childhood, difficulties such as these can lead to degenerative health conditions and a poor quality of life in adulthood.

Some Common Causes Of Infant And Childhood Health Disorders

Colic: can be related to food intake as well as compression in the vagus nerve as it exits the base of the skull and travels down to the abdominal area.  The vagus nerve connects to practically every organ in the head and torso, making it critical to normal function.

Chronic Ear Infections:  may result from restrictions in the base of the skull and the bones around the eyes, ears, and mouth. Bringing mobility to these areas can correct this condition.

Dyslexia:  commonly related to restriction in mobility of the temporal bones, the base of the skull, and the jaw area.  Usually this is accompanied by related restrictions within the pelvis, sacrum, and iliac areas.  When the left temporal bone is restricted, a person with dyslexia will tend to switch numbers.  Conversely, when the right temporal bone it restricted a person will tend to experience more with reading and writing challenges.


Autism: is a more extreme form of dyslexia. It presents as both temporal bone compression and dysfunction.

Hyperactivity & Attention Disorders: typically indicates compression of the occipital condyles, which are the articulations between the base of the skull and the first cervical vertebrae.

Cerebral Palsy: shows a common denominator in coronal suture restrictions, which is where the top of the skull (baby’s “soft spot”) comes together.

Delayed Speech: may respond to opening up the entire cranial vault.

Visual Disturbances: can be related to restrictions within the sphenoid bone, which is the “wing bone” behind the eyes. Releasing tension between the bones and membranes can relieve visual challenges.

Seizures & Balance Disorders: indicate restrictions in the whole body, especially the head and temporal bones.

NOTE:  Dr. Upledger does not contend that all hyperactivity, abnormal fears, and dyslexia are due to craniosacral system dysfunction.  When they are, however, the improvement in brain function following physiological correction is usually prompt and dramatic.

CranioSacral therapy for children can help correct imbalances induced by the birth process as well as those resulting from accidents.  Falls, illnesses, injury, braces and dental work can all affect the craniosacral system.  Children and infants tend to respond much quicker and easier to this therapy than adults because osseous restrictions, membranous stress and tension have been present for much less time than in adults.  When offered by a trained therapist, a safe, gentle CranioSacral evaluation and treatment for infants and children can only help.

Other Conditions That May Be Avoided Or Improved By CranioSacral Therapy

~ Vomiting
~ Hearing Problems
~ Motor Problems
~ Seizures
~ Stabismus
~ Pylorospasm
~ Torticollis

~ Chronic Otitis
~ Aphasis
~ Spasticity
~ Down’s Syndrome
~ Hydrocephalus
~ Abnormal Fears
~ Failure-to-Thrive

The Flow Of Life

Our bodies are designed for movement.  The movement of breath through our lungs, the flow of blood through our arteries and veins, the movement of muscles, even the flow of thoughts into words are examples of inherent movement.  The bones of our head are also designed to move as the flow of cerebral spinal fluid fills and empties around our brain.

This fluid carries essential nutrients that feed and fuel our central nervous system.  Any restriction within the movement of the bones from head trauma or spinal cord injury affects the movement of the cerebral spinal fluid.  Any restrictions within the membranous fascial system of our bodies affect the fluid dynamics of our entire body.

Our bodies are self correcting by design.  This means we have the ability to heal and recover from injury, trauma, stress and tension.  However, if we do not have ample time to recover from one incident before another one occurs or if a trauma is severe, our bodies may not be able to fully dissipate the negative effects of prior stressors.  Sometimes we need some extra help.


To learn more about CranioSacral Therapy, contact The Upledger Institute at 1-800-233-5880 or



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Although these modalities have been found useful in treating numerous health
conditions, they are not used to diagnose, prescribe, or treat specific conditions.

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